Saturday, May 14, 2011

32 - Music

Merit Badge:  Music
Counselor:  Cindy Larsen
Sponsor:  American Fork Fitness Center
Earned:  May 14, 2011

                        WEB: What did I have to do to earn this merit badge?

Cindy, Music Merit Badge Counselor,
taught us all the musical signs and
terms of a score as well as how
to lead music.

"Down, swing in, swing out, up"
This is the proper leading technique
for 4/4 time.

Cindy is teaching another one of the scouts in the music
class how to lead.

I bet if I beat this homemade drum
at home it would really annoy my mom!

For one of the requirements I attended the
musical, "Suessical", at Brigham Young University
with my mom and sisters.

The performance was held in the
De Jong Concert Hall on the BYU campus.

Here I am waiting patiently inside
the De Jong Concert Hall for
the musical to start.
(It started 15 minutes late.)

"Suessical" was worth the wait.
My sisters and I enjoyed the dancing
and music, but especially
the crazy Cat-in-the-Hat.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

31 - Citizenship in the Community

Merit Badge:  Citizenship in the Community
Counselor:  Leena Harral
Sponsor:  American Fork Fitness Center
Earned:  May 11, 2011

                       WEB: What did I have to do to earn this merit badge?

On of the requirements for this merit
badge involved giving 8 hours of service
to a charitable organization in my community.
I choose Community Action, the local
food bank.

I delivered food donation bags to 119 homes
in my neighborhood. 

Only 45 of the 119 homes donated food.  Even though
I wished more people would have contributed and
my feet hurt... felt good to collect SOOOOO
much food.

After I collected the food, I sorted it into
groups to help out the food bank.  Here I'm
making a pile of macaroni and cheese.

My mom's best friend, Kathy Jensen, helped me
sort the food into bags.  She gathered up several bags
of tomato products.

After the food was sorted and loaded into
our van we dropped it off at the
Community Action loading dock.
The guy to the left of me is one
of the food bank employees and he
told me that the bin holds about 1000 lbs
of food.  The food I brought filled up about
half of the bin.  That means that my
neighbors donated about 400-500 lbs
of food!